Acts 13:1-52

This chapter gives us the history of one of the first models for missionary efforts.  Many of the principles observed in this text continue to impact the way that we "do" missions to this day.  This is what stands out to me as I read this chapter.

MISSIONARIES ARE SEPARATED BY THE WILL OF GOD: There were many strong and godly leaders in Antioch, but God made it clear to all of them that He wanted Paul and Barnabas set aside for the the task of going out to other locations.  Notice that the Lord asks for, what we have to assume were, the very best leaders.  Also notice that the church was willing and ready to do just that.  They were focused on the good of the kingdom and the glory of God and not the fame or size of their local congregation.  We as believers must be constantly looking for those who might be set aside to leave our geographical fellowship so that they may go out and take the Gospel to others on our behalf.  We should do this without concern for what might happen in our local church.  We can trust God to take care of any needs we might have.

MISSIONARIES SPREAD THE WAY OF GOD: The goal of the Gospel and that task of believers is to spread the fame of Christ to the nations of the world.  We must be actively "moving" forward with the message of Christ.  I think that we instinctively have a desire to "nest" and put down roots, to stay put in one place.  This tendency is often very detrimental to the cause of Christ.  The desire of Christ is for the Gospel to be spread to those who have never heard.  God wants all men of all nations to know of His glory and grace.  We must never allow our comfort to be a greater priority that the spread of the Gospel.

MISSIONARIES SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD: As Paul and Barnabas went forward, they were taking advantage of every opportunity to share Christ with all who would listen.  They went to the synagogues, the street corners and from house to house making every effort to tell all they met about Jesus and His love and forgiveness.  When we have the the truth it is our obligation to tell others about it.  It can be dangerous to do such things, but it is what we have been called to do.  Caring for the needs of our fellow man is basic to the call of Christ in our lives.  However, meeting these needs must never become a substitute for telling them about Christ and how they can find forgiveness through Him.

MISSIONARIES SUFFER IN THE WORK OF GOD: Just because Paul and Barnabas were faithful in spreading the Gospel with their words, they were not spared having to suffer.  As they went from city to city and place to place there were always those who rejected the message and became very offended.  We must know and prepare for the fact that the truth is divisive and can be very offensive to those who reject it.  We live in a fallen and sin cursed world and share the planet with fallen and sinful people.  Suffering should not take us by surprise.  We should prepare for it and learn to endure and grow through it but must not become distressed or discouraged because of it.  God is in control and will use it in some way to further and accomplish His purpose in the world and in us.


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