Romans 5:1-21

The truth of justification by faith alone has amazing implications in the life of a believer.  It is a doctrine that shines like a beacon on our hearts that provides peace in the place of wrath, joy in place of fear and forgiveness in place of condemnation.  This blessed truth radically transforms the life and eternity of every believer.

WE HAVE HOPE BECAUSE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT'S LOVE: Our justification gives us great reason to have joy and hope because of what Christ has done.  The trials of life are now face from an entirely new perspective because we recognize that they serve to make us more like Christ.  This truth shines the light of hope in the darkest of days because the love of Christ becomes the ultimate desire of our hearts.  The Holy Spirit ministers this grace in our lives whereby He guides us through the tribulations in life with an eternal perspective of the Love of God.  He reminds us that difficult circumstances are for our good because they make us more like Christ.  The viscous cycle of sin that we saw in chapter one is now replaces with this glorious cycle of hope and love.  This is what God offers to all who are justified by faith.  We must learn to life in light of this marvelous doctrine.

WE HAVE ASSURANCE BECAUSE OF CHRIST'S SACRIFICE: The security of our salvation is a question that has raged in the minds of many if not all believers.  We have a hard time believing that God could love and forgive people like us with all of our sinful attitudes and actions.  The truth is that God loved us enough before we believed to send Christ, His only Son, to die in our place.  When we were the enemies of God living in rebellion against Him, Christ died for us.  If He loved us that much as His enemies, is it not logical that He would continue to love us after we have been made His children?  Our salvation has never been based upon our own merit or goodness.  God's love is what moved Him to provide for our salvation apart from any works that we might have performed.  We can rest assured that His love will remain steadfast for those who have trusted in His provision through the sacrifice of Christ.

WE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE BECAUSE OF GOD'S GRACE: The grace of God coupled with His love provides a glorious gift of salvation for all who believe.  The question that rages, is how can it be just to save so many with the sacrifice of One?  The answer is that all men are condemned because of the sin of one.  Adam's sin is the reason that all of humanity stands condemned before God.  We sin because we are sinners and we were made sinners when Adam sinned.  This truth is made obvious by the fact that death, the consequence of sin, impacts all of mankind, even those who have never sinned.  Unborn babies die, infants die before they can commit personal sin all because Adam's sin has placed all of humanity under the curse of sin.  This seems like an injustice, but, in reality it is a glorious truth, for it is this truth that also permits the sacrifice of Christ to pay for the sins of all who believe.  The condemnation of all because of one is what allows the provision of salvation for all through the sacrifice of One.  What Adam spoiled Christ saved.  This is the only means by which we can experience eternal life.


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