Acts 18:1-28

In this chapter we see the foundations for two prominent churches; that of Corinth and Ephesus.  There is so much to observe here, but I want to try to focus on a few basic principles that we can observe as we see a pattern for how churches grow.

THE IMPORTANCE OF PARTNERSHIPS: When Paul arrives in Corinth, he works together with Aquila and Priscilla.  They help to meet his physical needs as they make tents together but they also are very instrumental in the teaching ministry.  We must never think that we can do things alone.  The church is a body with many parts and we must learn the importance of cooperating with one another and helping each other as we serve the Lord.  Once Timothy and Silas arrive Paul is free to do more teaching and they are all working together without being jealous or competing with one another.  It is vital that we learn to seek and value partnerships.

THE INEVITABILITY OF PROBLEMS: Even though God had revealed to Paul that he could minister with freedom here and that there were many who would believe in Corinth, the ministry has many difficult days.  The Jews are striving to take the new believers to court and Paul almost gets mixed up in the mess but God works to protect them through a pagan judge.  Even with this protection there are still beatings going on in the lives of the new believers.  We must recognize that problems are a part of what God allows in the life of all of His children.  He usually has a purpose but we usually do not see that purpose when we face the problems.  We must never let difficulties discourage us in the service of the Lord.

THE INGREDIENTS OF PROGRESS: There are some basic things that happen in order for the work of God to spread.  First notice the mobility of God's people, Paul, Aquila, Priscilla and the others leave Corinth after a long stay.  They end up stopping in Ephesus where Aquila and Priscilla stay and disciple Apollos who ends up going over to Corinth.  God uses different people in different places at different times and we must be ready to move if that is what the Lord makes clear.  Second notice the mentoring that is constantly taking place.  Paul disciples Aquila and Priscilla, they, in turn, disciple Apollos.  Progress will only occur as we are looking to learn from others and as we are willing to invest in others.  If we are willing to move and mentor the work of God will progress.


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