Romans 4:1-25

The Jewish people called themselves the sons of Abraham.  Paul takes advantage of this conviction to try to convince them of the truth of the doctrine of justification that He is striving to prove.  Here are Paul's arguments.

ABRAHAM WAS JUSTIFIED WITHOUT WORKS: Paul reminds his readers that Abraham was declared righteous based solely upon his belief.  Some works followed but that was long after his righteousness had been credited to his account.  Paul makes it clear that the Old Testament teaches that Abraham did not earn justification but that it was given to him based on his faith.

ABRAHAM WAS JUSTIFIED WITHOUT CIRCUMCISION: The declaration of Abraham's righteousness was made before he was circumcised.  This makes it clear that circumcision can never be considered as a condition for salvation.  This was a major debate in the early church, but Paul settles the issue once and for all in this text.

ABRAHAM WAS JUSTIFIED WITHOUT THE LAW: This fact is obvious since it was written by Moses hundreds of years after Abraham was dead.  Keeping the Law is not a means by which man can be saved.  It was never meant for that purpose.  The Law was given so that man might recognize more clearly his need of a Saviour.

ABRAHAM WAS JUSTIFIED BY FAITH: The only condition that brought about Abraham's justification was his faith.  This is the only way that any man in any age has ever or will ever be saved.  No man can be saved by works, religions or rituals.  God saves men based on their faith in His provision in Christ.  This is our only hope.


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