Acts 25:1-27

This chapter has a whole lot of appealing going on.  It seems that there is a lot of confusion going on and it begins to seem like nobody is really in control of this situation.  It sure is nice to know that when it seems like nobody is in control we can be assured that God is in control.  We can always appeal to Him.

THE JEWS APPEAL TO FESTUS: When Festus visits Jerusalem the Jews are quick to bring Paul's case before him and appeal for him to return Paul to be tried in Jerusalem.  They actually are planning to kill Paul on the way if they can, but their plan was not to be and they were required to go back up to Cessaria if they wanted to continue to accuse Paul.  It is amazing to me that this seems to be the only problem with which they are concerned.  I still wonder about the forty guys who vowed not to eat or drink until they killed Paul and if they are still a part of this attempt to assassinate Paul.

PAUL APPEALS TO CAESAR: Paul defends himself once again, but this time Festus asks if he will go back to Jerusalem as the Jews had requested.  Paul has been down this road before and know where it will lead, so he ends up appealing to be heard by Caesar.  As a Roman he had this right, and I believe that Paul was determined to preach Christ to as many as he could and was not about to pass up on the opportunity to tell the Emporor of the love of Jesus.  Once again, God gave Paul the wisdom he needed to face his problems.

FESTUS APPEALS TO AGRIPPA: Paul's appeal to Caesar puts Festus in the difficult position of sending Paul to the highest court without any accusation about which to write.  Upon the visit of King Agrippa, Fustus decides to seek his advice as to how to resolve the problem.  It is interesting to note that Festus readily admits to the fact that he has no crime with which to charge Paul, yet he does not have the courage to set him free for fear of the Jews.  Living in fear of men instead of the fear of God will put us in situations where we cannot stand for the truth and we end up living a lie.


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