Acts 16:1-40

This chapter could be a primer on Paul's missionary ministry.  It has a little bit of everything that is a part of his ministry as he travels from place to place.  There is much from the example of Paul from which we can learn and follow.

PREPARING MEN FOR MINISTRY: Paul finds Timothy and immediately begins to invest in his life.  He takes Timothy along with him and gives him an opportunity to learn and grow.  Timothy was a young man with a good reputation and was a faithful follower of Christ.  These are the types of men that we need to look for when looking to prepare future leaders.  Too often in ministry we end up spending so much time correcting the unfaithful men that we never get around to preparing the faithful men.  Paul did not fall into that trap.  He had a balanced ministry where he did faithfully correct the sinners but he also spent a great deal of time perfecting the saints.  It is of vital importance that we seek out faithful men and women in whom we can invest our lives and prepare them to lead in the next generation.

PROCEEDING IN GOD'S WILL: Paul was going from place to place preaching the Gospel, but God prevented him from going to two Asian cities and then, through a vision, directed him to go to Macedonia.  Once again we see God miraculously directing Paul and Paul immediately obeying.  We saw this same pattern in Phillip earlier in Acts.  Once again, I think that it is important to note two things, first that God gave specific direction to Paul WHILE he was busy in ministry, so we must never think that we need to wait before starting to work.  Second, the direction that Paul received was a miracle.  It did not always happen in Paul's life and we should not expect it to be a common occurrence in our lives either.  God can direct in these ways, but it is rare for Him to do so.  The most important thing to see here is that Paul was active and immediately obedient to all that God asked him to do, no matter how God revealed it to him.

PROCLAIMING THE TRUTH: Upon arrival in Macedonia, Paul sought for opportunities to proclaim the Word of God to all who would hear.  The ministry is about people and people need to know the truth of the Word of God.  It is only by the Word of God that people can be set free from their sin and find forgiveness in Christ.  Paul made people the focus of his ministry.  Some people loved him for his work and other hated him, but that really did not matter to him.  He was working to please God not man.

PRAISING IN SUFFERING: Paul's message and releasing the slave girl from the demon earned him him a public flogging and he ended up chained up in prison.  I am sure that this is not the response he was hoping to experience when he got the "Macedonian call" but it is what God allowed.  Despite the unpleasant circumstances, Paul and Silas are singing praises to God from their prison cell.  Far too often, we use difficulties as an excuse to complain and quit.  Paul teaches us that these times should cause us to pray and praise.  God responds with an earthquake that opens the doors of the prison and prompts the guard to attempt suicide until Paul assured him that no one had escaped.

PREACHING TO PERSECUTORS: Paul not only saves the guards physical life, he goes to his house and shares Christ with the guard and all in his house.  Paul holds no ill will towards those who hurt him.  He expects unbelievers to act like unbelievers and does not seek revenge when they do so.  He loves God and loves people no matter what they might have done to hurt him.  The next day he is released and goes on his way leaving the city with its first believers.  It is not what Paul may have planned, but he was faithful all along the way and God used him to start what was to become an exemplary church from which we still learn today.  This is what happens when we do as God would have us to and do not give in to self pity or revenge when we face persecution in our service for the Lord.


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