Acts 23:1-35

God has never promised us that, as believers, we will not face trials and persecution.  However, He has promised us that He would be with us during those times.  That truth is beautifully illustrated to us in today's passage.

GOD GAVE PAUL WISDOM AT HIS DEFENSE: As Paul was being questioned, her perceived that his accusers were divided over the issue of the resurrection, so he affirmed his strong belief in the resurrection.  This strategy sparked a controversy between his accusers and took the focus off of him and brought a large group of his accusers over to "his side."  Paul knew that, before the Jews, he would never get a fair trial, so it was vital for him to be able to get out of this context.  The fight between the Jews becomes so violent that the Roman soldiers remove Paul from the tumult for his own safety.  Christ had promised his disciples that He would give them the words to say when they stood before the courts and this promise was fulfilled in Paul's life on this day.  God will be with us through every trial that comes our way.

GOD GAVE PAUL ASSURANCE IN HIS DUNGEON: As Paul is back in his prison cell, the Lord comes to Him to give him comfort and assurance that He will arrive safely in Rome and be able to testify of Christ in Rome as he had done in other places.  This is good news and bad news.  Good news because Paul knew that he would not be killed in Jerusalem in the coming days and would live to testify of Christ in the highest court of the world.  Bad news because Paul would remain captive and not be immediately released.  God was so faithful to let Paul know His plan, God does not always do that, but He was also gracious to assure Paul of His presence through every trial, God has promised to always do that.

GOD GAVE PAUL WARNING OF HIS DANGER: When a group of men take a vow to kill Paul, they plot with the council to get him away from the prison so that they can slaughter him.  It just so happens that Paul's nephew hears the conversation and goes to warn Paul of the danger.  Do you think that this was an accident?  God has the right people in the right place at the right time in order to accomplish His will in the world.  We can be assured that God is in control of the people and circumstances that are around us.  We can rest in this assurance.

GOD GAVE PAUL PROTECTION FROM HIS DESTRUCTION: I think it is amazing that Paul is given a small army to give him safe passage to the site of his next trial.  He is removed from the immediate danger of those who were plotting against him in Jerusalem and will be given opportunity to testify of Christ before the governor.  I can't help but wonder how long those who had vowed not to eat  or drink until they killed Paul actually kept this vow.  Did over forty people die of dehydration three days after Paul left?  Or, did they conveniently make up a way to get out of their vow?  I suspect the latter.  Paul might not have chosen the path of imprisonment as his means of transportation in this his "fourth missionary journey" but at least he didn't have to make tents to pay for his food and passage.  It is not our job to choose our paths, it is our job to be faithful on the paths that God chooses for us.


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