Isaiah 40:1-31

The future, for the most part, is unknown for most of us.  The specifics of our lives unfold in a way we cannot predict with very much accuracy.  Our plans are often interrupted or need to be adjusted because of unexpected illness, death, circumstances or any number of unknown factors.  The history of the world has taken twists and turns that take us by surprise and make radical changes to the way we live our lives.  This uncertainty in life can promote stress, anxiety fear, cynicism, apathy, idolatry and many other sinful responses.  God knows there are many dark days through which the nation of Israel must pass so He reveals to Isaiah some important truths about the future and about Himself so all of us can face the future with hope and at least a certain level of understanding.

BE COMFORTED BY THE PROMISES OF GOD: No matter how dark and difficult the days of the future might become; there is great comfort to be found in the promises of God.  When we live in misery and have no indication as to when that misery will come to an end, it is easy to despair.  By the same token, when we know our suffering will only be temporary it becomes much easier to bear.  Isaiah provides words of comfort and hope prior to the impending days of judgment.  God has promised to end all warfare and pardon all iniquity through the coming of Messiah.  All obstacles for the Lord’s coming will be removed and the glory of the Lord will be clearly revealed for all to see.  The promises of God are far more reliable than the problem created by sinful and rebellious people.  The works of man’s hands will wither and wilt while the Words from God’s lips will never fall or fail.  The promises of God should fill our hearts with praise, free our hearts from fear and bring great comfort to us as we anticipate the coming of our Lord.  No matter how difficult life becomes we can take comfort in the eternity God has promised in the care of our great Shepherd who will gather us in His arms and hold us close to his bosom.  This blessed promise about our future should bring us great comfort in the present.

BE CONFRONTED BY THE PERSON OF GOD: A promise is only as good as the person who made the promise.  People make promises all the time but due to unforeseen circumstances or unreliable character those promises are broken.  We are often powerless to keep our promises or unfaithful in the promises we make.  God is not like us.  His power over the circumstances of this world is absolute.  The seas fit in the palm of His hand, the stars of the heavens are under His complete control and the entire surface of the earth is in His grasp.  God’s greatness is beyond our comprehension.  He knows everything, controls everything and He is perfectly just in all He does.  The most powerful nations are like a drop in a bucket or like dust on a scale.  They cannot change the outcome God has determined for His people.  Any attempt by man to represent the greatness of God is an act of futility.  Idols fashioned by the hands of men are worthless, powerless and ridiculous attempts by desperate and delusional men who think they can create or control God.  These man made gods are nothing like our God.  They don’t speak, they don’t move and they have no power.  God’s greatness is from everlasting and He sits above the universe without rival.  Men are like insects, the heavens are like curtains and the kings of the earth are like pawns in His hands.  God is beyond compare.  He knows all we face and all we do.  He is able to empower us in accordance with His sovereign plan to accomplish His perfect will.  We must learn to wait on Him and trust in Him so He can empower us to worship and serve Him in perfection.


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