Isaiah 52:1-15

God has a plan for His people and it will be accomplished in His time and His way.  We may have a very hard time comprehending His plan but it will come to pass.  The foretold destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity of its inhabitants is all according to God’s plan.  However, God also has a plan for the restoration of the city and the people.  His plan of salvation reaches far beyond the scope of one nation and stretches to the corners of the earth.  God’s purpose for restoring Jerusalem includes the coming of Messiah, His humiliation and His salvation being offered to all the nations of the world.  God’s plan graciously includes every single one of us but it could only be accomplished through the sacrifice of His Son.

JERUSALEM WILL BE REDEEMED: Isaiah has good news for the city of Jerusalem.  She will be set free from the oppression of the nations God used to chastise her.  Jerusalem is called to dress for this glorious occasion of her coming redemption from slavery.  Israel was sold into slavery without money and she will be redeemed without money.  Israel’s oppression brought on great mourning, her leaders cry out in anguish and the name of the Lord is being blasphemed because of the state of His people.  All of that is about to change.  God is going to reveal Himself to His people and restore them to their land.   Good news will ring out from the cities of Israel as the reign of God is restored in the nation and His salvation will bring great joy and celebration.  God will redeem His people and use them to reveal His glory to all the nations who will watch in awe the workings of the Lord.  Israel is called into a relationship of purity before the Lord and He will go before them, comfort them, protect them and save them from sin.

JESUS WILL BE REJECTED: God’s means for accomplishing this plan of redemption Is far beyond our comprehension.  The only means by which His people could be redeemed was through the shedding of blood.  No amount of money or works of men could satisfy the just requirements of God.  The only way for redemption to take place was through the rejection, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.  He would be lifted up for all to see on the cross but this would lead to His exaltation in heaven above every name.  However the path to exaltation was through the cross.  He would be beaten to the point that He would be beyond recognition.  His treatment would be inhumane.  But His blood would be shed so that the nations of the world could be saved.  The rulers of the world will be astonished by His suffering but they will finally understand the love of God and hear the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


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