Isaiah 46:1-13

Incomparable is a word that applies to God more than any other person.  God has no peers.  He is over all and nobody comes close to being able to attain to His level.  When we consider the greatness and splendor of God there is really only one logical response: worship.  Unfortunately, men are not so readily accepting of the idea of a supreme, sovereign God because it makes us responsible to Him and requires our submission.  Men want a god they can manage and even manipulate.  Idolatry is simply a form of self-worship.  Isaiah makes the supremacy of God very clear as he points to the contrasts between God and idols.

WHO CARRYS WHO? The idols of men have no ability to move on their own.  They are inanimate objects with zero mobility.  Idols are completely dependent on others to carry them from one place to another.  In Brazil many cities have processionals where an image of Mary holding baby Jesus is carried through the streets on a cart.  This image is supposed to have great power but cannot even move itself.  Men prefer gods that are dependent of them instead of having to surrender dependence to God.  In contrast to the immobile idols, God carries men from the time they are born until they go to the grave with grey hair.  God has the power to carry the weight of the world on His shoulders and He cares very deeply for each and every one of us individually.    

WHO CREATED WHO? The idols of men were fashioned by the hands of men.  When men can create their own gods it is very easy for them to continue to live their lives just how they please.  They do not feel like they are responsible to anyone because they are the creators of their own gods.  These gods do not speak and they have no power to deliver anyone from anything.  They have no power to save or to condemn.  Idols will never offend their creators so idolatry in very popular amongst men.  God, on the other hand, is the Creator of all the world and all of mankind.  God has revealed Himself to us in multiple ways as He has the ability to speak and communicate to all men.  God alone is able to save us from our sin, from the circumstances of life and deliver us to a life everlasting.  There is a clear and obvious choice all men must make.  We will either worship the God who speaks, saves and created us; or we can worship the gods of our own creation that have no ability to speak or to save.


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