Isaiah 44:1-28

There is no way to compare the glory of God to the foolishness of man.  God has proven Himself to be true, powerful, loving and wise.  God has created all of the earth and gives all men life so they might worship Him.  Man then turns around and bows to and idol instead of to the God who gave Him life.  God has determined that Israel will worship Him in a genuine manner.  He has taken all the steps necessary for His children to worship Him.  Unfortunately they have rejected Him and turned to idols instead, however this will not hold true forever.  God has determined to transform the hearts of His children so they will worship Him as He intended.  Israel’s suffering as well as the hardening of their hearts is a temporary condition.

GOD HAS PROMISED HIS FAITHFULNESS: God is always faithful to keep His promises.  He has chosen the nation of Israel and given them spiritual life.  He will judge all nations according to His perfect knowledge.  Israel may live in fear for a time but God will be faithful to deliver them from all fear.  He formed all men within the womb and granted life to all.  He will also bring refreshment to the land He promised His children.  The dry ground will receive water.  Hardened hearts will be softened by the presence of God’s Spirit.  Israel will finally respond to God’s faithfulness by repenting of their sin and calling on the Lord for salvation.  This determination is secure and will not change.  God is the beginning and the end and He is always faithful to fulfill His promises.

GOD HAS PROVEN MAN’S FOOLISHNESS: God proves the foolishness of man’s idolatry.  Man start out by planting a tree.  When the tree grows into maturity man cuts the tree down.  He uses part of the tree to burn in order to keep warm, another part of it to cook his food and then he takes what is left over and carves it into an idol.  God requires faith from men who will worship Him even though they have not seen Him.  We are all more comfortable with the things we can see, touch and understand.  God is Spirit so we must worship Him in Spirit because we have never seen Him.  We must not make representations of God with our own hands because God cannot be captured by any of our images.  Idolatry is simply man worshiping that which he can touch as opposed to submitting to God’s sovereign rule.

GOD HAS PROVIDED HIS FORGIVENESS: Despite man’s unbelievable foolishness and his consistent rejection of God and His Word; God has provided a means of forgiveness through the Lord Jesus Christ.  Israel will never be forgotten no matter how far apart they may be spread.  God will call His chosen nation into fellowship with Him and restore them to the Land that was given to them from the beginning.  God has erased our sin and foolish idolatry.  This truth should fill our hearts with joy and songs of praise to the Lord.  Nobody can stand in the way of God’s plan and determination.  God will restore the worship of Him in the land He promised to Israel.  They will dwell securely in the Land and rejoice in God’s forgiveness.


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