Isaiah 55:1-13

Salvation is a free gift from God for all who will come to Him and receive it.  He will not force it upon us nor will He accept payment for it.  He only requires that we come to Him.  As simple as that sounds, it is not quite as easy as we might think.  Our natural tendency is to think we are fine without the Lord or capable of earning our salvation through our efforts.  It is hard for us to admit we are incapable on our own, give up and come before the Lord as our only source of hope.  The blessings of doing so are astounding but too often man’s pride gets in the way.  Never the less, God extends His amazing grace for us to come.

AN INVITATION TO COME TO THE LORD FOR SATISFACTION: God invites the hungry and thirsty to come to Him and eat and drink until they are satisfied.  The condition is that they must come with no money.  The food and drink He has to offer are not for sale; they are free for the taking for all who will come.  Men would rather work and pay their own way but all they can do is acquire that which is not real food or real drink.  In order to find our satisfaction in the Lord we must incline our ears to Him, hear Him and believe in the covenant that He has made with us through His Son.  His promises are true and are available to all who believe.

AN INCENTIVE TO SEEK OUT THE LORD FOR SALVATION: We must seek the Lord by calling on Him.  He is not far away and He is compassionate and forgiving to all who will call upon Him.  His ways of working forgiveness and salvation are far different from what we would expect.  They are far greater than we could imagine.  God’s Word is powerful and produces eternal fruit of salvation in the lives of all who trust Him.  He has determined to save and forgive so all who trust Him will be able to share in His joy, experience His peace and join in all of creation with an anthem of worship to our King.  God will replace the sin of our lives with obedience and bless us beyond our imagination or merit.


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