Isaiah 56:1-12

Racism is a problem that has plagued the world for multiple millennia.  Sometimes people will even accuse God of racism because of His choosing of the children of Israel.  However, this is not an accurate accusation.  God did choose Israel, but for the purpose of blessing all the nations of the world.  All men from all nations are invited into a personal relationship with God through faith in the Lord Jesus.  All men from all nations will suffer eternal judgment if they do not trust the Lord Jesus.  There is no difference in God’s eyes.

GOD WELCOMES THE OBEDIENT GENTILE BELIEVERS: God calls all men everywhere to a life of repentance from sin and righteousness before Him.  God blesses those who obey Him and trust in His means of forgiveness through the sacrifice of His Son.  It does not matter to Him from which nations the followers come.  He promises not to separate the Gentile or foreign followers from those who are in Israel.  They will receive the same forgiveness and be welcomed into the same house of worship.  Those who give themselves to the Lord will find great reward from Him no matter where they are from.  God will gather outcasts unto Himself and establish them as His followers forever.

GOD WARNS THE DISOBEDIENT JEWISH LEADERS: Those who were born within Israel, especially the religious leaders, are warned that their national heritage will be of no use to them before Him because they walk in rebelliousness and disobedience.  Instead of using their position to encourage worship and obedience to the Lord, they are like lazy dogs that just eat and sleep all day long.  They have become like shepherd who do not care for or provide for their sheep.  They are gluttonous drunkards who mistakenly think there will be no consequences for their actions because of their nationality.  God will judge them just like all the disobedient from the other nations.


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