Isaiah 60:1-22

The history of the nation of Israel has been full of tragedy.  As God’s chosen people they have suffered under the oppression of nation after nation.  Most of these troubles have been brought upon themselves through their own immorality and idolatry but that can be said of every nation on the planet.  Isaiah paints a very different picture of Israel’s future.  He sees a time of peace and prosperity in which Israel will be greatly blessed by the surrounding nations as well as the presence of God.  The description of this chapter does not seem to fit into any part of Israel’s past and it cannot be describing a heavenly state because of the punishment mentioned of rebellious nations.  The only conclusion I can make is that this chapter must foresee a future kingdom that will take place in the Millennium. 

ISRAEL WILL BE ENRICHED BY GENEROUS NATIONS: Historically the nations have come flocking to Israel in order to pillage her, destroy her and take her away as captives.  Isaiah sees a day when the nations of the world will come pouring into the gates of Israel both night and day brining gifts and wealth for the purpose of worship and not war.  They will see the nation of Israel as a beacon of light to which they can come and seek the Lord, learn of Him and bring offerings of thanksgiving to Him.  Israel will be seen as a center for worship of the Lord and will experience amazing peace, prosperity and the glory of God will be upon the nation.  God told Abraham that He would bless all the nations through Israel and that He would bless those nations who blessed Israel.  This seems to be exactly what is described in these verses.  We can rest assured that God is faithful to keep His promises and the promises He makes to His people will be fulfilled.  He is faithful even when we are not and He is sovereign over all of the events of this world even when we do not understand them.

ISRAEL WILL BE ENLIGHTENED BY THE GLORIOUS GOD: Besides having the nations flock into the land, the very presence of God will be there.  His glory will radiate from the nation both day and night.  The walls of Jerusalem will shine with the splendor of His presence.  King Jesus, Messiah will reside in this place and His glory will make the sun and moon of no consequence.  Righteousness will reign supreme in the nation and there will be perfect peace.  The land will be a perpetual possession of the nation of Israel.  The number of people in the nation will multiply exponentially and the productivity of the people will be astounding.  All of this will happen for one specific purpose: the glory of God and for only one reason: the grace of God.  Israel is not worthy of this blessing just like all the other nations; but God has purposed this in His plan so that His grace and His glory might shine forth for all to see and so all might rejoice in the glory of being to worship at His feet.


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