Isaiah 45:1-25

God is a Deliverer and He uses His people as instruments of deliverance.  Sin is like chain that captivates the hearts of mankind.  That figurative chain of sin will often lead to a physical chain of imprisonment.  The consequences of sin lead men into bondage.  We become slaves to sin which, in Israel’s case, lead to being enslaved physically to other nations.  Satan always presents sin as some form of liberty but nothing could be further from the truth.  Sin always leads to slavery.  God sent Jesus in order to deliver us from our bondage to sin and set us free so we can worship Him in freedom and truth.

GOD WILL USE CYRUS TO DELIVER ISRAEL FROM CAPTIVITY: Israel’s sin and idolatry would eventually lead them into captivity.  Generations would pass with Israel enslaved to other nations.  This is not God’s rejection of Israel; rather it is God’s instruction of Israel.  God is teaching a principle about the consequences of sin.  He is also leading Israel to a place where they will repent of their sin and experience restoration and liberation.  The land of Israel would be barren and the children of Israel would be in bondage but God would eventually raise up a king from within the nations called Cyrus who would restore Israel into the land.  Cyrus was the Persian King who God uses to deliver Israel from captivity and provided a means for Israel to be returned to their land.  God uses surprising instruments but He is the true Deliverer.  Israel would not despair during their captivity because they had the promise of God in which they could trust.  He promised to deliver them from this bondage and reveal Himself to them in the process.  God wants Israel to see clearly that He is the only God.  He wants to demonstrate His sovereign control over the world He has created. 

GOD WILL USE ISRAEL TO DELIVER NATIONS FROM CALAMITY: God purpose in delivering Israel from their captivity stretches far beyond the borders of Israel.  When God chose Abraham and His descendants as His people, He had a very specific purpose in mind.  He wanted to use them as an instrument of deliverance to the nations of the world who are enslaved in spiritual bondage.  Israel was to be a beacon of light for the nations to see the glory of God revealed in a people who worshiped Him.  Israel turned from God and as a result they and all the nations have suffered.  However, a day is coming when Israel will truly fulfill her role as being a light to the nations that leads them to God.  When Israel is delivered from her captivity and recognizes Jesus as Messiah, the nations will see the power and grace of God reveled in a way that will bring the nations of the world to their knees in worship of God.  The idolatrous nations will see the transformation of Israel and follow them to the Lord.  God has created this entire world and He desires to be worshiped in all of the world by all of the nations of the world.  One day He will use Israel as a means of demonstrating His glory and grace to all the nations.


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