Isaiah 61"1-11

The promise of Messiah comes with many blessings and promises.  God has many purposes to accomplish in the lives of men and His chosen people through sending Jesus to this earth.  That work of redemption started in the Garden of Eden, was promised all throughout the Old Testament, took on very clear shape with the incarnation of Jesus and will be fully realized upon the second coming of our Lord.  God intends to reverse the consequences of sin on our lives and calls us to a life that is whole and new in Him.

JESUS CAME TO RELEASE OUR SOULS FROM SIN: The truth about our human condition is that we are enslaved to our trespasses and sin.  Our sin condition leaves us in a state of condemnation before God and with an inability to be free from the temptations in which we are trapped.  Our hearts are corrupt, our souls are eternally condemned and we are captive in the snare of Satan.  Jesus came to release us from all of those consequences of sin.  We are free from condemnations, corruption and captivity through the blood of Jesus.

JESUS CAME TO RESTORE OUR DWELLINGS FROM DESTRUCTION: Israel had seen their homeland destroyed and all of their dwelling places turned into dust.  Their land has been in a constant state of turmoil for generations.  Jesus promises to restore the security in Israel and allow their homes to be rebuilt, the walls to be constructed and peace to reign in their cities.  The ravages of war on a nation are terrible and tragic.  Only the return of Christ will restore order to the nation and allow them to rebuild in peace.

JESUS CAME TO REJOICE OUR HEARTS IN HIM: Perhaps one of the most forgotten attributes of God is His joy.  Too often we see God as an angry, irritated and frustrated person.  While it is true that He has great anger over sin due to His holiness; at the core of His being there is great and abundant joy.  He longs for us to be able to experience the joy He has for all of eternity.  He sent Jesus so our sins could be forgiven and our relationship with Him be reconciled so we can be free to experience the joy of His glory and grace. 


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