Isaiah 47:1-15

Consequences are always hard for us to face for our actions.  Many times the consequences for our sin are not immediate.  This delay has a tendency to make us think that there will not be consequences and causes complacency and even arrogance.  The Lord used the nation of Babylon to bring consequences to the rebellious nation of Israel.  They were particularly brutal in their conquest and were every bit as evil as the nation they were being used to punish.  Instead of seeing the consequences God was bringing down on Israel and warned of their own sinfulness, they continued to live in pride and arrogant idolatry.  Isaiah writes to warn of the consequences of this path.

BABYLON WILL BE HUMBLED: God will tear do the proud nation of Babylon because of her evil idolatry and the cruelty that she used when she conquered the nation of Israel.  God will make the nation sit in the dust in humiliation.  The once prosperous and feared nation will be brought down and stripped naked before the other nations.  It will be impossible to escape this judgment from God.  In His anger God used Babylon to judge Israel but the cruelty and perversity of Babylon has now brought down God’s anger on her.  We must always remember that God is a very thorough judge and will bring men down in His tame and His way.  We must never become complacent in our sin or be deceived into thinking that God will turn a blind eye.  Sin will always have consequences so we must repent from them and be restored to God as quickly as possible or prepare to face consequences that are far beyond any pleasure sin could afford.

BABYLON WILL BE HELPLESS: Babylon was a lover of pleasure and thought she was over all nations and all gods.  This is all about to change as God tears down this nation and destroys it people.  Women and children will be killed and there is nothing that the Babylonian army or the false gods they have been serving can do about it.  They felt secure in their wickedness they thought they answered to nobody but they will now experience the full wrath of God and His vengeance upon them.  All of their false teachings and supposed wisdom has made them over confident but none of those things will be able to help them in the face of God’s judgment.  The only hope any of us have is in the Lord and if we turn our backs on Him we will be totally and completely helpless.   


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