Isaiah 54:1-17

Hope is a wonderful blessing from God, without which we would be vulnerable to all kinds of destructive tendencies in our lives.  Today’s society is marked by depression, anger, fear, anxiety and self-righteousness, in large part, because of the sense of hopelessness that prevails in our culture.  Isaiah writes to a people who are about to be taken into captivity because of their sin.  God knows that they will feel rejected, threatened and hopeless so He reveals His future plans for the nation in order to give them hope in the midst of the coming trial.  Hope is the expectation of good based upon the promises of God.  Many times when our lives are marked by the sins mentioned above it is because we have forgotten or failed to focus upon the promises of God’s Word.

THE PROMISE OF GOD: From the very first day that God revealed His plan for the nation of Israel, He promised numerous descendants.  God chose Abraham, not because he was more righteous than any of the other people of his time, but more than likely He chose Him because he and his wife were barren.  God promised to make Abraham into a great nation but at the time he did not even have one child.  Israel was about to go into a stage of barrenness.  She would be taken captive, her numbers would be greatly reduced and it would seem as if there was no hope.  However, even before they face this captivity, God gives them the promise of future abundance.  He tells them to begin expanding their tents and adding on to their homes because they are about to be filled.  The may be taken captive by a nation but they have the promise of reigning over all nations and filling the desolate cities with their offspring.  No matter how difficult life becomes for us, we must look to the promises of God.

THE PARDON OF GOD: God is about to chastise the nation because of their idolatry, immorality and failure to trust and obey Him.  They are going to feel like they have been abandoned and left in desolation.  They will feel like a divorced wife or a barren widow with no hope of establishing a family and fulfilling her dreams.  God is going to turn His back on them and allow them to feel the consequences of their sin and rebellion.  However, this is just a temporary state.  He promises to pardon them and in forgiveness restore them to a greatness they have never known before.  His rejection of them will only be a temporary one because His steadfast love for them is eternal.  God may discipline us and allow us to face the terrible consequences of sin but He has promised us hope through His forgiveness in Jesus.  Because of the cross we can be assured of God’s eternal love that will be on display for all of our eternal life.

THE PROVISION OF GOD: The nation of Israel will be destroyed in the coming captivity.  The walls of the cities, the homes and all of the buildings will be turned into a heap of rubble.  Desolation will be the state of the cities of Israel.  But God has promised to provide for the rebuilding of the city is a way that will inspire awe and restore all hope.  Sticks and stones will be replaced with gems and gold.  God’s provision for the nation will be extravagant and abundant.  The desolation may be enormous but the restoration will be far beyond what anyone would imagine.  The glories of the future provision of God in the life of every believer should dazzle our minds and tantalize our imaginations.

THE PROTECTION OF GOD: Israel is about to be attacked.  The Babylonian army will come against her with swords, spears, arrows and other instruments of war.  At the present time, Israel has no way of defending herself from these coming attacks.  However, God lets them know that this will always be the case.  He assures them that He is in control of the arrow and the one who makes the arrow.  There is coming a day when Israel will enjoy the supernatural protection of God to the point that none of these instruments of war will be effective against her.  God is able to protect His children and will establish a kingdom in which security and His protection is complete.  There will be complete peace under God’s loving and sovereign protection.


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