Isaiah 49:1-26

Servant is the name given to the apostles and all leaders are called to be servants.  Isaiah refers to Jesus, the coming Messiah, as Servant.  All who are true followers of Jesus will most certainly demonstrate the same servant’s spirit that Jesus did.  Israel is about to be taken into captivity.  Isaiah writes in order to prepare the people for this reality and to assure them of God’s complete control over these circumstances.  God is at work in order to bring salvation to Israel and to the nations of the world through Jesus the Servant.

CHRIST WILL REDEEM: God’s purpose in sending Jesus to this world is very clear.  He wants to reconcile mankind to Himself.  In order for Him to accomplish that purpose He had to redeem them from their slavery to sin.  Jesus accomplished that redemption through His death on the cross.  Jesus came to earth to seek and to save that which was lost.  God has chosen Israel to be the people through who Jesus would come into the world and through Him the nation of Israel would be redeemed from sin, released from their captivity and reconciled to God.  However, this is only the beginning of God’s plan.  In fact God’s purpose in doing this is so all the nations of the world can be blessed.  Redeeming Israel alone is too light a thing for the Servant.  God wants His salvation to go to the ends of the earth.

CHRIST WILL RESTORE: God’s work in the nations begins with a covenant made to the children of Israel.  He is going to bring them out from there captivity and restore them to a place of blessing in the land that was promised to them.  He will supply their needs and protect them from the elements.  Through the restoration of Israel the nations of the world will see the work of God and be attracted to Him because of His amazing work.  The peoples of the earth and the heavens will lift their voices in praise and adoration to the Lord.  His compassion and grace will be clearly seen through this restoring work.  No matter how far we stray from the Lord or how far away the Lord may seem from us, we can be assured that He is at work to bring about restoration in our lives and bring us back to Himself.

CHRIST WILL REMEMBER: During times of suffering and chastisement it is easy for us to think God has forgotten us or turned His back on us.  God uses the illustration of a mother to demonstrate His affection for Israel.  He carried her in His womb and gave birth to her and has taken care of her and nurtured her through the year.  How is it possible to think He has forgotten?  God has placed His children in His heart and engraved their names on His hands.  There may be times when suffering occurs and other nations rise up to come against Israel, but in the end, they will be defeated and God will then use this nation He has set apart for Himself to bring about the salvation of these nations.  God never forgets us.  He may allow us to suffer and we may face persecution, but God will never leave us or forsake us.  He has redeemed us, restored us to Himself and He will always remember us and use us to bring these same blessings to all the nations of the world so we might all gather before the Servant and worship Him for all of eternity.


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