Matthew 10:1-42

This chapter is Jesus' commissioning service for the disciples. He sent them out to advance the message of the kingdom. Until now, they have been walking with Him and watching His every move. That is about to change. Now, they are to go out on their own. This is like a ministry assignment in the "Jesus Bible College." During their commissioning, Jesus seeks to prepare them for this new experience with instructions, warnings and promises.

INSTSTRUCTIONS for PROCLAMATION: They are told to: Reveal God's Word, Rely on God's Wisdom, Remain in God's Work and Receive God's Witnesses. Their primary task it to proclaim the Word of God, warning their hearers of the coming judgment. They can do this task with full confidence that God will equip them for anything that they might face. Therefore, they are not to be intimidated by the fierce opposition that Christ knows they will face. As they do this, they are not to become self consumed but to recognize that they will need to help and provide for one another. We will do well to follow these same instructions in our efforts to serve one another and the Lord.

WARNIGS of PERSECUTIONS: They were warned of impending: Rejections, Accusations, Intimidations and Retributions. The job they were called to do would not be a popular one. Many would not be open to the message and refuse to help in any way. They would be misunderstood, their words would be misrepresented and false accusations may even be drummed up that would land them in jail. They would, as Christ did, face threats of death and torture that, if they were not careful, would cause them to give up and quit. Their own family members would not only reject them but go so far as to betray and seek revenge upon them. This was Christ's experience, it was the disciple's experience and we must be prepared to face similar experiences as we obey our Father. The absence of these may be indicative of a lack of obedience on our part.

PROMISES of PROVISION: Christ promises to meet their Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual needs. There would be faithful families along the way that would provide for their food and shelter. God would give them the right words at the right time when they faced situations that were beyond their realm of knowledge or experience. In the face of fear, He assured them of the Father's constant attention and care. At time of death, He promised rich and eternal rewards. We can march forward in the power of the Lord with great confidence that He will supply all of our needs for both this life and the next.

What a privilege it is to participate in the awesome task! What a comfort it is to rest in His sovereign care! What an honor it is to serve this gracious God!


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