Matthew 14:13-36

In light of how John's life ended, we might be tempted to question the sovereignty and/or power of God. I think it very fitting that the story of his death is followed by two of the most amazing miracles Christ ever performed. The disciples might have become intimidated by what happened to John and may have been tempted to doubt the wisdom of following Christ. However, they were not only witnesses of but participants in the miracles that follow. This must have brought them great assurance, as it should to us.

In Christ we find PROVISION: If there was any doubt in the disciple's minds about Christ's ability to provide for their needs, watching five loaves of bread and two fish multiply into a feast for five thousand men plus their families, should have removed this doubt. Following Christ will often lead us into circumstances where we must face gargantuan obstacles with, seemingly, infinitesimal resources. It is during those times that we would be wise to remember what God can do when we make what little we have available for Him to use as He sees fit. We can rest assured that He has all He needs to abundantly supply all of our needs. If, for some reason, He should choose not to do so; it is not because he lacks the ability or the compassion. It is because it is what is best for our own good and His glory.

In Christ we find PROTECTION: If the disciples doubted Christ's ability to protect them from danger, His walk on the waves and stilling of the storm, should have calmed their fears. Following Christ will often lead us into dangerous circumstances in which we feel completely "out of control." I think that this happens as a reminder as to Who really is in control. When the storms of life come crashing into our "boats," we need to fix our hope on Christ. He, not only, can walk on water, but, as we trust Him, can help us to stand on the seas of circumstance. He is even there to rescue us when we begin to sink in fear and doubt. It is a comfort to know that no matter how difficult or dangerous our days, we can trust Christ to rescue us from harm and restore us in love.

Father, thank you for your abundant provision and gracious protection. Help me to live in light of these blessings, and follow you no matter how big the problems seem, how few resources I have, how dangerous the circumstance may get and how frail my faith may be. I praise You, for you are the God who can take a little food and make a feast; and take a raging storm and make me safe.


  1. okay okay - I know I just commented on the other one - but I was about to sign off and decided to read one more - I'm really glad I did - just thought you should know this was EXACTLY what I needed to hear today - why in the world do I worry about things so much when God so obviously has everything under control?? Thanks for the reminder =)


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