Matthew 22:1-14

In reality, this parable should have been included in yesterday's post as it is, yet again, an illustration of Israels rejection and the Gentiles reception. However, since it was not included, we will look at it separately and in a little more detail. I believe that it is a parable in which Christ demonstrates how God has dealt with the children of Israel in the past and then how He will deal with the Gentiles in the days ahead. Many parallels can be drawn to our present day.

GOD'S PREPARATION: Christ compares the kingdom of heaven to a wedding feast. For this feast all preparations have been made by God. Everything from the place for the feast, abundant food and even the clothing for the guests to wear was graciously and abundantly provided. In some cultures, the honored guests are expected to pay for parts of the wedding. That is not the case here. God has provided all that is needed. He is preparing the heavenly banquet halls, I am sure that the food will be delicious and most of all He has made provision for us to be dressed in the righteousness of His Son by the grace of the cross.

GOD'S INVITATION: God, initially invites the children of Israel to be the guests at this wedding. His invitation was gracious and repeated through out history by many judges, prophets and kings. Now God extends the invitation to the highways and byways. This is God's gracious and general invitation to all the nations of the World. "Whosoever will, may come." Praise the Lord that this invitation extends to both the good and the bad. I am not sure where you might fit in these categories, but I know where I do. God's is insistent in His invitation and it is graciously extended to every man woman and child.

MAN'S REJECTION: The initial invitation was met with indifference. However, the second time around, it was met with violence and murder. When Israel began to persecute and kill their own prophets sent by God, He banished them into exile. The wars that plague the nation of Israel to this day are as a direct result of their rejection of God's invitation. There also seems to be a "wedding crasher" who refused to accept God's provision of the wedding clothes so was thrown out. This may have been one of the "good men" that thought they were dressed just fine in their own righteousness and had no need of Christ's. There is no such thing. All are invited, but all who come must be dressed in the robes of righteousness that have been washed in the blood of the Lamb.

MAN'S RECEPTION: The wedding halls are full of those who gratefully respond to the gracious invitation. They are amazed by the setting, the food, the music and most of all the beauty of the Groom. Their is not one ounce of regret for having accepted this wedding invitation. No one is checking their watches in hopes that it will all be over soon. No, this is a wedding for the ages, that everyone hopes will last forever. It will!!! If we respond to God's gracious invitation and receive the righteousness of Christ by faith, we will be there. What an honor to be invited to delight in the presence of God for all eternity and enjoy all that He has prepared. Why would anyone refuse?


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