Matthew 8:1-17

We say that variety is the spice of life. I think God would agree with that statement. The fact that the Body of Christ is made up of such diversity seems to support that notion. In this passage Matthew tells of Christ's healing ministry in four very different contexts.

Christ heals a Jewish Leaper. Leapers were considered unclean and therefore ostracized from society. The separation from family, friends and society as a whole made it one of the most dreaded diseases of that day. But this leaper seeks Jesus out and expresses his confidence in Jesus' ability to heal him, if He was willing. Jesus was willing and the man walked away with clean skin. Christ told him to go present himself to the priest and to keep quiet about it. In Christ there is always hope, but we must exercise that simple faith, knowing that God is always able in any circumstance we might face.

Christ heals a Gentile's son. Most Jews had no association with Gentiles whatsoever. But this man, moved by love for his son, demonstrated a faith that, in the words of Jesus, exceeded that of any he had seen in Israel. When asked to heal the man's son Jesus readily offered to go see the boy and heal him. I think that I would have taken Him up on the offer. But this guy says that there is no need for Christ to go but he could just heal him from a distance. He didn't want a sign or even a piece of cloth to take and lay on his son. He just believed that, at Christ's word, his son would be healed. I need to demonstrate that kind of faith when I face trials.

Christ heals a disciple's mother-in-law. Jesus shows great concern for his friend's family and, it seems without being asked, heals her. Like a typical mom, as soon as she feels better she gets up and starts cooking. Maybe Jesus was hungry, and this lady really knew how to cook. Whatever the case, this very intimate miracle is different from the rest.

Christ heals the multitude. Christ's reputation spread and the people began to flock to find hope and healing. Jesus cast out demons, freeing men from spiritual darkness and He healed all that were sick. The doctors got the day off. There was no real declaration of faith that we know of other than the fact that they came. Christ cared for each one, and provided for them in both the spiritual and physical realm.

What wonderful stories and demonstrations of God's love and provision for all sorts of people with all sorts of problems. May God give me that kind of compassion for the wide variety of people who come across my path. May I have that kind of confidence in God's provision in the variety of circumstance that come across my path.


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