Matthew 12:1-50

As I read this and so many of the previous passages, I am beginning to think that the temptation Jesus faced in the wilderness was a "cake walk" in comparison to the temptation that it must have been to call down fire from heaven to consume the Pharisees. It seems they were always around and looking for ways to find fault with everything that he did. Unfortunately, I see some of these same tendencies in my own life. Today's passage gives some viable alternatives to the attitudes that, so easily, become our habits.

COMPASSION IN THE PLACE OF LEGALISM: The Pharisees were so hung up on the sabbath that they lost sight of their own hearts. There is such a danger of slipping into a "list of do's and dont's" religion. I think it has to do with our desire to gain favor with God on our own merit as opposed to by His grace. The disciples happened to "glean" a little wheat to eat as they were walking with Jesus and then Jesus heals a woman's hand. The problem, in the Pharisee's view, was that this was done on the sabbath. They had regulated the sabbath to such a degree that it took so much work and worry to keep the sabbath that there was little time or mental disposition to worship. Christ makes a very helpful recommendation: God desires compassion more than sacrifice. The problem with legalism is that it leaves no room for love. Lord, give me a tender and sensitive heart that I might prioritize the people God places in my path instead of promoting my own "self righteousness" through keeping regulations that have been invented by men who value tradition over Scripture.

WORSHIP IN THE PLACE OF BLASPHEMY: Christ's authority over evil spirits and ability to heal the sick presented a dilemma for the religious leaders. They solved their problem by committing the unpardonable sin of attributing the work of the Spirit to Satin. Jesus pointed out the absurdity of their conclusion by simply asking, why in the world Satin would be in the business of casting out demons. This accusation revealed a far deeper problem. The pharisees not only had unwise words, but they had impure hearts. Their speech provided a clear view of the corruption that infected their hearts. While I might not go around attributing God's work to Satin, I do have a hard time keeping my tongue under control. Lord touch my heart that my words might reflect a spirit of worship towards You.

REPENTANCE IN THE PLACE OF REJECTION: When the pharisees have the audacity to ask Jesus to give them a sign, I picture myself, in His place, saying: "You want a sign? How about the earth opening up and eating you for lunch?" How many more people did they want Him to heal, raise from the dead or liberate from demon possession? Nothing was good enough to convince them that He was who He claimed to be. They rejected every sign of His deity and steadfastly refused to repent. Before I point my finger, I need to look at my own tendency to forget the past blessings that prove God's control and provision in my life when I face distressing circumstances. I may not doubt Christ's deity but I do often forget His generosity. Lord, help me to remember your past provisions and trust You in present and future trials.

In final evaluation, I am glad that Jesus did not strike the pharisees down with a lightning bolt. His patience and mercy with them are the same qualities with which He relates to me. May He bless me with a genuine love for the people around me, a heart that produces words of worship and a mind that reflects on the multiple blessing of God.


  1. Gary, thanks for giving the link to your blog in your newsletter! This is really good, and I have bookmarked it so I can easily return and find out what your are studying and learning.
    Patsy Redden

  2. Patsy, You are very welcome. I am glad that you are enjoying it and hope you will continue to do so. Please feel free to add you insights to the posts. It is great to be able to see how God is challenging you. Gary


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