Welcome Post

Welcome to my blog. I have never done such a thing before, but decided that in 2011 I would try to make a change in the way I have my quiet time and this is part of it. For many years, about 15, I have been reading the entire Bible on even numbered years and on the odd numbered years I have been reading 3 chapters a day from the New Testament which takes me through 4 times per year. This has been an extremely rewarding adventure, but to be honest with you, myself and most of all God, I admit that, far too often, the reading has not been accompanied by the proper reflection. So this year I want to try something new. My goal for this year is to work my way through the New Testament only once. But as I do, I want to take more time to GLEAN and apply the glorious truths from God's Word. Along the way I want to keep a journal of some basic outlines, a sort of "message to self". Then I decided that some of these thoughts might be helpful to others, so that is where this blog come to mind.

I have one basic goal:

Complete some basic outlines from the entire New Testament in 2011 and then blog some of what I GLEAN in reflections with you.

My purpose is two fold:

1. Grow to love and worship God more deeply.

2. Learn the Word of God more completely.

This blog has a three fold reason:

1. That I might encourage you.

2. That you might encourage me.

3. That you might encourage one another.

In order for me to encourage you, you must read my posts. In order for you to encourage me, you must leave comments. In order for you to encourage one another you must not only leave comments but read one another's comments.

Now I am not looking for pats on the back, more like kicks in the pants, so if you see me falling behind feel free to hold me accountable. But more precisely, I would encourage you to share any insights you might have on text under consideration as well as how it might have encouraged or challenged you. May God use us as we "consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds" (Hebrews 10:24).


  1. Olá Gary!
    Eu sou a Fabi, que estudou no IMPV!
    Vi o link do seu blog no facebook da Mishaela e quero dizer que eu mei essa sua idéia!
    É ótimo poder ler e compartilhar da nossa fé!
    Lembro me até hoje das nossas aulas e as vezes me sinto triste de não ter aproveitado tanto as aulas como devia, pois hoje sinto muita falta e queria aprender muuito mais de aconselhamento bíblico e da nossa fé!
    Obrigada pelo investimento que fizeste em minha vida.
    Deus abençõe você e toda a sua família!

    Grande abraço com Saudades

    Fabiana Moreira

  2. Fabi, Que legal que voce achou o blog. Como vai seu Ingles? Espero que possa ser edificante para voce. Tem sido bem edificante para mim mesmo que ninghem mais venha a ler para mim esta valendo toda pena. Foi um prazer investir na sua vida e voce sempre tem sido um exemplo de alegria. So tenho uma coisa contra voce: A vez que voce me enganou com suma irma gemia. Forte abraco. Gary


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