Matthew 2:1-12

There are so many questions that come to mind as I read this text. Like what kind of a star was this? Who are these Magi? How many were there? If the wise men knew so much about the star why didn't they know that Christ would be born in Bethlehem? Why did the star seem to just reappear and lead them right to the house AFTER they tipped Herod off about the birth? If you were hoping to find answers to these questions today your are going to be disappointed. My goal is definitely not to do an exhaustive study on these passages as you have already seen.

The three words that come to mind as I read about the Magi are: Anticipation, Action and Adoration.

These men from the far east were living in eager ANTICIPATION of the coming of Christ. While the nature of the star might be a mystery to us, what we can see is that these guys were living with their eyes on the sky. The religious leaders in Jerusalem seem clueless about the the birth of Messiah for whom they claim to be waiting. I wonder if my attitude of ANTICIPATION for Christ's second coming is more like the Magi or like the Jerusalem Jews? Let's keep our eyes on the sky!

When the Magi got some direction they took ACTION. There is a two year gap between the appearance of the star and their arrival in Jerusalem. I don't think that we can assume that the trip took a full two years to make, but I don't think it was a "day trip" either. They made a long, hot, dirty, expensive trip across deserts and dangerous territories in order to see Christ. How much ACTION am I taking to know Christ? What sacrifices am I willing to make with my time, comfort and money in order to draw near to God? Let's put our noses to the grind stone.

Upon finally coming into the presence of Christ they fell on their faces in ADORATION. They were thrilled to be able to worship. They honored Christ by praising Him and by giving Him of their most precious possessions. They did this not out of obligation or in hopes of recognition but their hearts were full of joy to have such an honor. Again this stands in stark contrast to the religious leaders who, upon learning that Christ had been born, stay put in Jerusalem. How often is the ADORATION of Christ my highest priority and greatest joy? Do I give with gladness? Let's put our faces to the floor.


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