Matthew 9:1-17

Have you ever noticed how some people love to criticize? They just seem to have the ability to find something wrong with anything and are not hesitant to make their displeasure known. Criticism can sap our energy, suck the joy out of our lives and leave us discouraged or even depressed. If we become obsessed with what others are thinking and saying about us, criticism will have an even greater impact on us. We must be careful not to become pleasers of men but strive to live in a manner that is pleasing to God. This text should make us all feel better in the face of criticism for it tells us that we are in good company. Jesus was constantly criticized. This passage shows us three instances in which He was criticized and how He responded to it.

Jesus was Criticized for FORGIVING a Sick Sinner. The lame man in this story was brought to Christ by his friends. Christ was filled with compassion for him and told him that his sins were forgiven and that he could now carry his bed on home. The crowd that observed this miracle was amazed and rejoicing, full of praise to God. Then the party poopers show up. They took issue with Christ demonstrating His power to forgive sin and called it blasphemy. Never mind that He was healing people left and right and revealing their own thoughts. Jesus was not who they expected Him to be so they rejected Him as Messiah and were relegated to having to follow Him around and try to find fault with all He did. Jesus confidently answered their criticism and went on with the party.

Jesus was Criticized for FELLOWSHIPING with Seeking Sinners. The sinners and tax collectors knew of their lost condition and found hope in the message of Christ. They gathered around Him and invited Him into their homes. They were repenting and being transformed by His love and the truth that He taught. Their was great rejoicing over the new life that they were finding in Christ. The Pharisees crashed the party, incensed that Jesus would even associate, much less eat with such low life forms. They were blind to the grace and love of God as well as to their own sinful state. Jesus firmly told them that the salvation of men was the reason He had come and that a compassionate heart was God's desire for them. Then I think he said: "what's for dessert?"

Jesus was Criticized for FEASTING with "Saved" Sinners. Fasting was considered an important part of religious discipline. However, this godly discipline had been abused by the religious establishment to the point that it became a showing off of one's own self righteousness. Jesus and His disciples did not follow that example, and He was criticized for it. He graciously explained that this was a time for rejoicing and that his disciples would fast when the time was right, and would do it in the right way. I like to think that he smiled and asked Peter to pass the chicken.

Two things stick out in my mind. First, how gracious and unaffected Jesus was in the face of criticism. Second, how ridiculous the criticizers look. May God give me the grace and strength to face criticusm like Jesus did. May God give me the wisdom and humility to compassionately encourage those with whom I might disagree. Oh God guard my heart from a critical and hypocritical spirit!


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