Matthew 6:25-34

As I observe my own life and the lives of many around me, I think that we are far too frantic. We rush from here to there with our schedules full of activity and our minds full of anxiety. Life seems to full of hurry and worry. Jesus has a different plan. In this text He starts out by giving us two reasons why we should not live this way and then He tells us two ways we can stop.


Obey God's Command. We should not worry because God has commanded us not to worry. He knows that it is a waste of time and energy. Worry saps our strength and keeps us from rejoicing in our relationship with God. It reveals pride and a lack of gratitude in our hearts. God's command is clear: "Do not be worried about your life."

Observe God's Creation. We should not worry because we can clearly see how He controls and cares for even the most insignificant parts of His creation. The birds eat bountifully and the flowers dress beautifully under Gods loving care and provision. Surely He will do the same for us who are created in His own image.


Trust God's Provision. We worry because we fail to trust God fully. God does not depend upon us to accomplish His will, but He takes great delight when we demonstrate our dependence upon Him. God has told us to simply turn our troubles over to Him and trust. He has all that He needs to provide all that we need and He wants us to rest in that truth.

Try God's Priorities. We worry because we fear that our plans and dreams might fail. Therein lies the problem. We are not called to fulfill our agenda but to live, suffer and die in order to promote the glory of God. If God's kingdom is truly our priority and we are truly convinced of God's sovereignty; we will truly recognize that all of our circumstances are by His grace and for His glory. In that truth we can rejoice and rest so there is no need for hurry or worry.


  1. I agree - I have been challened by the thought in Is 40:31 those who WAIT - HOPE - TRUST in the Lord will RENEW their strength.

  2. Thanks Mark, waiting and hoping is much easier when we are trusting and strengthened by the Lord.

  3. I'm going back a few weeks to thank you for your comments on Matt 6:25-34. It has become a regular read for me. My life in the financial world can provoke being way too concerned about wood, hay and stubble. Matt 6 is both convicting and comforting. Thanks for the blog. I'll try to keep up.

  4. Mitch,
    I am glad that these thoughs have been helpful to you and am humbled that you read them regularly. The blog has been a challenge for me and a source of spiritual growth even if no one ever reads it. Thank you for your encouragment. I pray that we might focus our lives on that which is eternal and learn to ignore that wood, hay and stubble that clamor after our affections.


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