Matthew 15:21-39

It is interesting to see how different people or groups of people responded to Christ or interacted with Him. In the previous text we can see that the Pharisees must have been infuriated by what they heard in Christ's teachings. However, not all had this same response.

The Syrophoenician Woman was INSISTENT on being helped by Christ. Her daughter was being controlled by an evil spirit and she knew that He could help. He seems unwilling because she was a gentile woman, but she would not take no for an answer. She was desperate and she trusted exclusively in Christ's ability solve her problem. I wonder if God sees this same desperation and confidence in my prayers? How often do I think that I can handle life's problems on my own? When was the last time that I was insistent with God because I knew that I had no hope apart from Him?

The Crowd was INSPIRED after being healed by Christ. This is at least the third time that huge multitudes flock around Christ and all find healing. Nothing like this has been seen before. Their jaws have dropped, their eyes look like saucers and they have trouble finding words to describe what they have seen. I wonder if God sees that same admiration of Him in my worship? How often do I stand in awe of God and all that He has done in my life? When was the last time that I was truly inspired to praise God because I was blown away as I reflected on His abundant mercy and grace poured out on me?

The Multitude was INTERESTED in hearing from Christ. This is now the second mass feeding, but what sticks out in my mind as I read this is that the reason that Christ provides this food for them is that they had been listening to his teaching for THREE DAYS without eating. Yes, not three hours, but three days. It seems we have a hard time paying attention to God's Word for even thirty minutes much less three days. Our stomachs start to growl and we start "clock watching" at noon on Sunday morning and then we start to complain about "long winded preachers." I wonder if I demonstrate this type of passion for hearing the Word of God? How often do I loose track of time, food and everything as I study His Word? When was the last time that I missed a meal or two or nine because I was so interested in hearing from God that I just didn't have an apatite for food?


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