Matthew 5:13-16

If we are faithful to live the "beatitudes" of the previous passage we will have an impact on our world. This is God's intention for His children. Those who follow Christ are called to reveal His glory and promote His worship in the nations of the world. This is the task to which we are called and purpose for which we should live. I would like to think of this as the disciple's "job description". There are basically three things that we are to do.

PERMEATE the World for God. Salt is used for many things. Most commonly, we use it to flavor or preserve our food. In desert climates it is also used to promote hydration by provoking thirst. I don't think it really matters which of these uses Jesus had in mind. I think that the main point is that salt has an impact wherever it is applied. The key is that it must be APPLIED. Salt in the shaker will not make your food taste better, won't preserve it or provoke thirst. As believers, we are called to permeate the world in which we live with the message of Christ. We might be more comfortable gathering in our little "shakers" but God has called us to PERMEATE not just congregate.

ILLUMINATE the Works of God. Light is used to reveal, but if you have ever driven a car or stood on a lighted stage you know that light can also conceal. The good works that we do on earth must be for the purpose of reveling God's glory to the world. If we do them in order to draw attention to ourselves we are like a set of high beams that blind the world from seeing the true Source of Light. Our actions and our speech are to be like spot lights focusing the attention of the world on the Cross of Christ.

PROPAGATE the Worship of God. We go into the world and we proclaim the message of Christ so that the nations of the world might worship God. Practicing the worship of God is the purpose of every believer. Promoting the worship of God is the job description of every disciple. May we faithfully go to the nations of the world; point them to the cross of Christ so that they might joyfully join us in the worship of God.


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