Matthew 1:18-25

Can you imagine the conversation between Mary and Joseph?
Mary: "Hey Joe, um.... by the way I um... well how do I put this well... I am "with child"."
Joseph: "Are you kidding me Mary? Who is the guy? I am going to kill him!"
Mary: "Who is the guy?" Well um... How can I say this... GOD!"

Joseph found himself in a situation where the woman he loved, by all indications, had betrayed him. If ever there was a time when a guy had an excuse to go on a "rant", become bitter to the core and take out his revenge and wrath on Mary, God and everybody; Joseph had it. He didn't do that. I think that we might learn from his example.

In time of Despair: Obey God Openly
In time of Doubt: Seek God Sincerely
In time of Direction: Follow God Fully

When he found out about Mary he decided to do the "right thing". That is not easy to do when you are deeply hurt by the person you love the most. God graciously let Joseph know that Mary was telling the truth. That made it easier, but still not easy by any means. He "stuck it out", even though he knew it would be a difficult road. But because he did, his legacy is remembered every Sunday before Christmas in thousands of Christmas pageants all over the world. More importantly, he, I have no doubt, is experiencing rich rewards for all of eternity. May all of us do the right thing in every circumstance, no matter how painful. May we never trade the eternal rewards God has prepared for us for the passing pleasure of a "rant".


  1. =) this is awesome Dad!!! I'm so glad you're doing this =) it definitely gives a fresh look at things =)

  2. Gary- Very cool. I saved this in my iPhone favorites so I can follow on the go. It will be a blessing. Thx for doing this.

  3. How much do you think Joseph knew about his lineage? What did he know about those special ladies in his heritage?
    I tried to tie the chapter together and came up with verse 22 - Ora tudo isto aconteceu para que cumprisse. This probably applies specifically to verses 18-21 but maybe also generally to 1-17.
    How encouraging would it be for Joe to realize that God had been orchestrating all of history (even including those "coincidental" women) to bring about the Messiah's coming?
    If God can control all those historic events it's a piece of cake to take care of his situation and Joe can trust Him to still be in control.
    Of course even if he wasn't aware of his genealogy and all the special events, we are.

  4. Hey Gary...

    So great to hear from you - and this sounds spiritually stimulating. Good idea. May the Lord bless your family with another year of making you more like His Son...the likeness is getting clearer all the time!

    We'll check in often!

    Larry Regier

  5. Larry,

    Great to hear from you too buddy. Sorry we missed you this summer, but God will allow us to spend time together and sharpen one another in person as He deems best. Until then this will have to do.

  6. Chaplain,
    Great thoughts!! Certainly if Joseph was aware of God's moving in the past he would have had great confidence. I rather suspect that He was in the dark and that it never entered his mind that he would be chosen for such a task. I picture a big jaw dropping when the angel clued Him in. But we do know so much more now so find ourselves without excuse for our faithless ways.


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