Matthew 9:18-34

This passage records another four miracles that Jesus performed. Each one was unique in its problem, setting and method but the result was always the same. People were helped and God was praised.

Jesus cures a Dead Daughter. We don't know how she died, but we do know that her father believed that Jesus could heal her, from even death. The crowd laughed at Jesus when He informed them that she was not truly dead but soon the joke would be on them when the girl "woke up."

Jesus cures a Waiting Woman. This poor lady had been afflicted for twelve years. She was either too afraid or too ashamed to ask Jesus to heal her but her faith was so strong in His power that she knew that if she could just sneak in a "touch" that she would be made well. She was right and she was restored.

Jesus cures Blind Beggars. These two guys knew Jesus could heal them but were unable to find Him. They just decided to start yelling until they could capture His attention. They were desperate to see and didn't care, in the least, what the crowd might think of them. Their boldness paid off! They might have been groping in darkness in their search for Christ but they left Him with their sight restored.

Jesus cures a Mute Man. We cannot be sure if this man was mute because of the demons possessing him or if he had always been mute and then become demonized. It really is not important. What is important is that he left with loosed lips and a liberated life.

People trusted Jesus with their problems and though they sought Him in many different ways He loved them all. May God give me the grace to earn the trust of people that they might seek my help. May God give me the patience and compassion to do all that is in my power to help them, love them and point them to Christ. May God give me the same confidence in Christ as was demonstrated by these men and women.


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