Matthew 22:15-46

This text is, once again, about the confrontations between the Pharisees and Sadducees and Christ. They were always looking for ways to trap Him and find some just reason to be rid of Him. As usual, they leave frustrated in their attempts to find fault and are then confronted with the truth as Christ responds to their attacks.

The Pharisees get things started by asking about taxes. They, conveniently, bring the Herodians along so that they will have all of their bases covered. In their minds, if he says to pay the taxes, He will be despised by the people who hated to pay taxes to Rome. If He says not to pay the taxes, the Herodians will be there to accuse Him of insurrection. Christ is not phased. His answer is brilliant and His reasoning flawless. To think that this same wisdom is available to each of us through the abiding work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
The Sadducees are next in line with a ridiculous hypothetical situation in which one woman marries seven brothers after the subsequent death of each. She must have been a very bad cook! Their point was that this would create a very difficult situation when they were all resurrected. They hope, by this, to disprove the resurrection. Christ assures them that there will be a resurrection but informs them that their assumptions are wrong for there will not be marriage after the resurrection. The blessings of marriage are so rich on this earth, so some people are disappointed that it will not continue in heaven. What I like to think, is that as blessed as marriage is on earth, heaven is so great and spectacular, that the greatest thrills of marriage would seem boring by comparison.

Christ, once again, calls them to stop nitpicking about these issues and to start focusing on the fundamentals of God's Word. While they are worried about taxes and the potential implications of the resurrection, they have forgotten all about loving God and one another. He then uses the Scriptures to demonstrate His own deity. His point is that these religious leaders as so blinded by their own arrogance and self righteousness that they cannot see the importance of love nor recognize the Messiah who had revealed Himself to them time and time again.
It is so easy for us to become distracted from the main truths of God's Word. We are quick to follow the traditions that have been created through the years. We are swift censure those who do not stay in step with theses traditions but are slow to worship God, love others and make Christ preeminent in our lives.


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