Matthew 9:35-38

There is so much pain and suffering all around us. There are so many needs that, after awhile, it is easy to become numb and start pretending they are not there, or go on ignoring them all together. Jesus was not like that. He, not only, was attentive to the needs of people but active in meeting those needs. He refused to ignore the problems of people but got involved. This text gives us three examples from Christ's ministry that we would do well to emulate.

Christ Ministered to People. Matthew said that he traveled to all the cities and villages, teaching, preaching and healing everywhere he went. The schedule must have been grueling but the job was so vital that it merited this tireless dedication. Many people are motivated by money to work long hours and pour themselves into their work. We must be motivated by the eternal souls of men to dedicate all of our strength so that all the cities and villages of the world might find hope in Christ.

Christ was Moved to Compassion. He was not simply working at a "project," His heart was in the work and it burned with passion for the people. I believe he wept over the terrible fate that these people faced. We must have hearts that are tender and eyes that are tearful as we see the hurt and hopelessness of the nations of the world.

Christ Mandated Prayer. The immense need motivated Him to petition the Father to send out more ministers to reach the world. He commanded His disciples to pray for the same. We are powerless to harvest the fields of souls in the World. Only God is sufficient for this task. God wants us to recognize our dependence upon Him and bow before Him in prayer that He might equip more men and women to spread the fame of Christ. Prayer is the driving force of missions and it is sorely neglected.

I need to be more active in my ministry to people. I need to be more affectionate towards the hearts of people. I need to be more avid in my prayers for people. May God break my heart, busy my hands and bend my knees that my life might be used to further the Gospel of Christ and bring hope to the hearts of men. Father, forgive my laziness, my lack of love and my failure to pray more fervently for the souls of men.


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