Matthew 8:18-22

Ministry is a lot like marriage. Marriage is about leaving and cleaving. Ministry requires the same.

Following Christ may require us to SACRIFICE our comfort. When the scribe came to Jesus, wanting to follow Him, Christ made it clear that it would not be an easily life. There would be many sacrifices. He pointed to the fact that birds and foxes have more stable homes than He did. Christ does not promise comfort or stability to His disciples. They are called to leave all of that behind and cleave to Christ.

Following Christ may require us to SEPARATE from family. Another disciple desires to follow Christ, but wants to delay until his father dies. We don't have much information about his reasoning, but it, more than likely, had to do with receiving an inheritance that would have given some financial security. Or it could have simply been a deep affection for his family that he didn't want to sacrifice. Without a doubt, the hardest part of being a missionary is leaving family and friends behind. But this is what God has called us to do.

If we are going to impact the world with the Gospel of Christ, we need men and women that are willing to sacrifice their comforts and separate from their families in order to follow Christ to the ends of the Earth. May we all be willing to leave the comforts of home and cleave to Christ alone.


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