Matthew 11:1-30

I have often wondered what was going on in John's mind to bring about the events of this passage. He had done what he was sent to do -- prepare the way for Messiah. Yet, he found himself in prison. This was probably not the reward he had hoped for or the position he had hoped to occupy in the kingdom he was helping to "usher in." I am sure I would have had my doubts as well. It seems God rarely operates on the time table or in the manner that we expect. At any rate, the inquiry that John made to Christ concerning His identity afforded Jesus the opportunity to give a little history lesson on the dealings of God with men and the way these men responded.

God revealed Himself through MIRACLES. Jesus told John's friend to go report to him about what they had seen Christ do. Unprecedented demonstrations of God's power were happening all over Israel and especially, the poor and rejected were receiving the Gospel. This should have been proof enough for anyone that Christ was Messiah.

God revealed Himself through MESSENGERS. God, through the ages, has graciously sent prophets and preachers to reveal His will and ways. John was one of those men. Finally He sent His ultimate Messenger in the person of His Son.

Man rejected God's MESSENGERS. Men have repeatedly rejected God's messengers and the messages they bring. They thought that John was too crazy and that Jesus was too common. Far too often, we find fault with the messengers that God sends our way. Somehow, we rationalize that if we can pick apart the preacher we can be excused from practicing what he proclaims.

Man rejected Christ's MIRACLES: Jesus condemns the men of His day by stating that they are more culpable than men of Sodom for they had far greater opportunity to be convinced of the truth because of the many miracles performed in their presence. Greater opportunity results in greater responsibility. Today we have greater opportunity than at any point in history. God has repeatedly revealed himself faithful in our lives and yet we often flounder in fear and drown in doubt. May we ever be mindful of the multitude of miracles that God has performed in our past that we might persist in trusting and praising Him in the present.

GOD'S RESPONSE: Despite the constant rejection on the part of man, God graciously invites men to find rest in Him. God recognizes that men are under a tremendous burden of sin. But He offers us hope!! If we are tired of our sin and are ready to "unload" it on Him, He invites us to come to Him. He offers that we might enter into a relationship with Him in the yoke of the cross of Christ. If we will do so, He has promised that we can learn of Him and we will find rest for our souls in Him.

Oh Father forgive me for my hard headedness in fighting the constant stream of messages you graciously send my way. Forgive me for forgetting the countless miracles that you have faithfully performed in my life. Thank you for mercifully offering your rest to me when I come to you. Thank you for placing the burden of my sin on the cross of Christ. Please help me to find rest in the yoke and burden you offer me, made easy and light because I am in this yoke and under this burden with YOU. Help me, Oh Father, to learn of You that I might experience the abiding joy of this glorious rest.


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