Matthew 17:1-27

This chapter relates three events, all of which seem to be unrelated, but they all attest to the deity and power of Christ. The middle one has become a common occurrence in the ministry of Christ, but the first and last are totally unique.

THE MAJESTIC TRANSFIGURATION: I like to think of the transfiguration of Christ as a little appetizer that was given to Peter, James and John. What an amazing experience this must have been! Then to top it off, they could not tell anyone about it until after the resurrection. I'll bet Peter had a hard time keeping his mouth shut. Of the disciples, these three would be the most prominent and the most persecuted. This event must have given them assurance as they faced difficult times. Seeing Christ transfigured along with Moses and Elijah just showing up must have been mind boggling. I love that Peter is so excited that he just can't be quiet. His idea of building altars to Moses and Elijah borders on idolatry, but I love his passion. Then, without a doubt, the highlight of the event comes when the Father speaks from the cloud. His message affirms the deity and sonship of Christ and instructs them to listen. At this, nobody talks, nobody stands and I would imagine that nobody did much breathing either. It was "flat on your face" worship. Can you imagine what heaven will be like? We will get to see Jesus like this all the time and can take walks with Mo and Eli (do you think we will use nicknames in Heaven?). Most importantly, our worship will be full and complete, unhindered by our sin as we experience the very presence of God.

THE MERCIFUL TRANSFORMATION: I said in the introduction that casting out demons has become common in the ministry of Christ, but it was no less significant for this man and his family. The twist in this story is that the disciples were unable to help the man and were subsequently rebuked by Christ for their lack of faith. I don't pretend to understand this demonic "world," but I sure am glad that I serve a risen Lord who does. His power is greater than the most heinous of evil spirits and His Spirit provides us with protection from their evil schemes. I little faith in His person and work is a powerful privilege for which I am eternally grateful.

THE MIRACULOUS TAXATION: Well it is that tax time of year. If we come up a little short on funds maybe we should all go fishin'. When you think about all to the implications that this miracle demonstrates about the sovereignty of God it is really astounding. Jesus knew where the fish was, when it would bite, that it had a coin in its mouth, how much the coin was worth and probably a dozen other things. Talk about a fish story! Peter has a whopper. This miracle gives us a little bit of insight into the coexistence of the human and divine nature of Christ. As the Son of God, He is exempt from paying the temple tax. As a man, He humbly submits to the law and pays the tax. However, He does it in a supernatural way. Isn't it wonderful to know and serve a God with these kinds of resources?


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