Matthew 18:1-14

There is something very special about children. We are supposed to become wise with age, and I suppose we do, but along the way we often loose the innocence and tenderness that we had as children. Jesus uses children in this passage to illustrate the importance of three virtues that God loves. If we are to live in a way that is pleasing to God, in these areas, we must revert to our childhood.

HUMILITY: The disciples are worried about who will be the greatest in God's kingdom. I can imagine them all raising their hands like kids in a school yard saying: "pick me, pick me." They were an ambitious bunch, but lacked the quality that God longs to see in His followers lives: humility. Children know that they are small, dependant and need help. Adults strive for importance, independence and self-sufficiency. The truth is that, before God, we must all recognize that we are children. His supremacy should be at the forefront of our thoughts about God. Out utter dependence should be at the forefront of our thoughts about ourselves. We stand powerless and hopeless, enslaved to the sin from which only God can rescue. Until we recognize this truth, humbly bow before God and, like children, trust Him and His provision for us, we have no place in the kingdom of God. Father, help me to be constantly aware of my sin, your glory and the forgiveness you have granted in Christ that I might walk humbly in your sight.

SINCERITY: Children are so innocent that they will believe anything that you tell them to be true. However, they are also very observant and seem to have a unique ability to recognize when our walk does not match our talk. Unfortunately, "monkey see, monkey do," is far more accurate than we would like for it to be. As much as we wish that children would follow our instructions and ignore our actions, the reality is that they are expert imitators. When our words and actions do not match we become a stumbling block to all around us. This lack of sincerity in the lives of professing believers has caused numerous people to turn from the truth of God's Word to follow innumerable false teachings that lead to destruction. We must stop pretending that we "know it all" when we open our mouths, be transparent about our own struggles and failures, and strive to set an example that exceeds our instructions. Father, help me to talk less and live more, may I be used to SHOW AND TELL of the truth of your Word.

SENSITIVITY: There are thousands of children all over the world who live in poverty, face starvation and, most sadly, have no knowledge of Jesus. They are lost and desperately need our care and compassion that they might know Christ. God loves each one and calls us to do the same. It is so easy for us become numb to the eternal state of the masses without Christ. Our hearts can grow cold and become calloused to the point that we no longer hurt for "the least of these." We must be sure that our hearts are sensitive to the needs of the nations who do not know the truth. Father, give my heart the same sensitivity that You have for the many lost children all over the world. May I be willing to give of my all just like You gave Your Son that the lost like me might have the joy of knowing You.


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