Matthew 1:1-17

Gleaning from the genealogies can be a little hard and even a little dangerous but this is what stood out to me this morning as I read through the list of people that God used to bring Christ into the world.

There are five women who sort of parenthetically seem to be inserted into the list: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary. Tamar and Rahab were prostitutes. Ruth was a pagan widow who, without may prospects, followed her mother-in-law back to Israel. Bathsheba, also a widow, who's just husband was killed by David in order to cover up that he had violated her. Finally, Mary who was a young girl going about the daily life of a teen-ager about to be wed when she agrees to give birth to Messiah.

What a gracious God we serve! This should not come as a surprise because our own experience attests to the fact that God uses wretches like you and me to take the message of Christ to the world. These women, like we, were shackled to their own sin and were caught in the wake of the sins of others. But in the face of their own sin and the sin of those surrounding them God was gracious.

What a faithful God we serve! God glows a ray of light that chases darkness from the corners of the blackest room. He can give us hope in the most difficult circumstances that we might face. Tamar faced Degradation. Rahab faced Destruction. Ruth faced Desolation. Bathsheba faced Defamation. Mary faced Discrimination. (If you have ever heard me preach you know I am a fan of alliteration) The point is that these women faced circumstances that rival anything that you or I will ever face and God was faithful.

No matter what we might face this day or this year, may we always be reminded of God's grace and faithfulness.


  1. Gary I was amazed after reading this post because I am to lead a Women's Bible Study next Monday and am contemplating/praying about these women in particular. I particularly appreciated your 2nd to last paragraph and those points are very powerful. Thank you for posting.

  2. Thanks Christina, I hope that it will be helpful. Feel free to use anything you find useful.


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